Sunday, April 8, 2007

Introducing Asher Gomez-Gibbs

Lluvy Gomez-Gibbs, 23, from America's Next Top Model, Cycle 4, and her husband Carl welcomed their first child, a son named Asher, on Friday, March 30th - Lluvy was 10 days over her due date. She continued her modeling career throughout her pregnancy, working for Expecting Models - here's her February Stork Magazine cover.

On pregnancy: Lluvy says she's had 'the world’s easiest pregnancy.'
On the differences between regular and maternity modeling: The model in my head was telling me to suck in my stomach while everyone else was telling me to pop it out! On her body's pregnancy transformation: It’s hard to see your body getting larger and larger when you’ve worked so hard for it to look one specific way. On modeling as a career: I think it’s the most ideal job ever! It will be so great to combine my two most favorite things, modeling and being with my son, into one.

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